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AIHA ELLAP Laboratory

Category Press Release
Publish Date 2/6/2017
Author Alexa Surmick
Title EMSL Orlando Earns AIHA LAP, LLC. ELLAP Accreditation
Introduction EMSL Analytical, Inc.'s Orlando, Florida laboratory is now accredited to accept lead samples.

Orlando, FL, February 6, 2017

EMSL Analytical, Inc. is proud to announce that its Orlando, Florida laboratory has been awarded accreditation through the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Environmental Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELLAP). EMSL Orlando is now certified for lead testing in paint, soil, settled dust by wipe and airborne dust.

EMSL is in compliance with International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 policies and procedures along with offering high-quality testing services to its clients. The laboratory can now test using the methods EPA SW-846 3050B, EPA SW-846 7000B and NIOSH 7082.

“We are proud of EMSL Orlando’s hard work in earning this AIHA LAP, LLC. accreditation for lead analysis,” said Joseph Frasca, Senior Vice President of Marketing at EMSL Analytical, Inc. “In an effort to provide the best services to our customers and potential clients, EMSL is always working to maintain the most relevant accreditations. Our Orlando lab is now available and equipped to accept lead work.”

EMSL Orlando also holds AIHA certification for the Environmental Microbiology Laboratory Accreditation Program (EMLAP), Environmental Microbiology Proficiency Analytical Testing (EMPAT) for bacteria and fungi and Industrial Hygiene Proficiency Analytical Testing (IHPAT) for asbestos analysis. The laboratory is also certified by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Environmental Legionella Isolation Techniques Evaluation Program (CDC ELITE), and the state of Florida for asbestos testing in drinking water.

EMSL Orlando is located at 3303 Parkway Center Court in Orlando, Florida and can be reached by calling (407) 599-5887. To view a complete list of EMSL’s accreditations, locations and capabilities, please visit For more information about EMSL’s testing services, please call (800) 220-3675 or email

About EMSL Analytical, Inc.

EMSL Analytical is one of the leading testing laboratories with over 40 locations throughout the United States and Canada. EMSL is a nationally recognized and locally focused provider specializing in fast laboratory results for mold, bacteria, Legionella, USP <797>, pathogens, asbestos, lead, soot, char & ash from fires, VOC’s, odors, radon, formaldehyde, indoor air quality, microbiology, environmental, industrial hygiene, radiological, food, beverage & consumer products and material testing services for the identification of unknown substances. EMSL services both professionals and the general public. EMSL maintains an extensive list of accreditations from leading organizations as well as state and federal regulating bodies including, but not limited to A2LA, AIHA LAP, LLC. (AIHA EMLAP, AIHA IHLAP, AIHA ELLAP), NVLAP, CDC ELITE, CPSC, CA ELAP, NY ELAP, TX DOH, NJDEP and multiple other state accrediting agencies. Please visit our website at for a complete listing of accreditations. In addition, EMSL carries a wide range of Sampling Equipment and Investigative Products for environmental professionals.
Atlanta, GA (LAB 07) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-1Baton Rouge, LA (LAB 25) - NVLAP Lab Code 200375-0Beltsville, MD (LAB 19) - NVLAP Lab Code 200293-0Boston, MA (LAB 13) - NVLAP Lab Code 101147-0Buffalo, NY (LAB 14) - NVLAP Lab Code 200056-0Carle Place, NY (LAB 06) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-10Charlotte, NC (LAB 41) - NVLAP Lab Code 200841-0Chicago, IL (LAB 26) - NVLAP Lab Code 200399-0Cinnaminson, NJ (LAB List in Description) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-0Dallas, TX (LAB 11) - NVLAP Lab Code 600111-0Denver, CO (LAB 22) - NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0EMSL Canada - Calgary, AB (LAB 65) - NVLAP Lab Code 500100-0EMSL Canada - Edmonton, AB (LAB 50) - NVLAP Lab Code 600321-0EMSL Canada - Markham, ON (LAB 66) - NVLAP Lab Code 600317-0EMSL Canada - Montreal, QC (LAB 68) - NVLAP Lab Code 201052-0EMSL Canada - Ottawa, ON (LAB 67) - NVLAP Lab Code 201040-0EMSL Canada - Toronto, ON (LAB 55) - NVLAP Lab Code 200877-0EMSL Canada - Vancouver, BC (LAB 69) - NVLAP Lab Code 201068-0Fort Lauderdale, FL (LAB 56) - NVLAP Lab Code 500085-0Houston, TX (LAB 15) - NVLAP Lab Code 102106-0Huntington Beach, CA (LAB 33) - NVLAP Lab Code 101384-0Indianapolis, IN (LAB 16) - NVLAP Lab Code 200188-0Kernersville, NC (LAB 02) - NVLAP Lab Code 102104-0Long Island City, NY (LAB 03) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-9Meriden, CT (LAB 24) - NVLAP Lab Code 200700-0Miami, FL (LAB 17) - NVLAP Lab Code 200204-0Minneapolis, MN (LAB 35) - NVLAP Lab Code 200019-0Ontario, California (San Bernadino County / Inland Empire) (LAB 71) - NVLAP Lab Code 600239-0Orlando, FL (LAB 34) - NVLAP Lab Code 101151-0Phoenix, AZ (LAB 12) - NVLAP Lab Code 200811-0Piscataway, NJ (LAB 05) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-2Plymouth Meeting, PA (LAB 18) - NVLAP Lab Code 200699-0Raleigh, NC (LAB 29) - NVLAP Lab Code 200671-0Rochester, NY (LAB 53) - NVLAP Lab Code 600183-0San Diego, CA (LAB 43) - NVLAP Lab Code 200855-0San Leandro, CA (LAB 09) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-3Santa Clara, CA (LAB 47) - NVLAP Lab Code 600318-0Seattle, WA (LAB 51) - NVLAP Lab Code 200613-0South Pasadena, CA (LAB 32) - NVLAP Lab Code 200232-0South Portland, ME (LAB 62) - NVLAP Lab Code 500094-0St. Louis, MO (LAB 39) - NVLAP Lab Code 200742-0Tampa, FL (LAB 93) - NVLAP Lab Code 600215-0
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