Chicago, IL, July 21, 2017
In May, an Illinois woman who recently purchased a home filed a lawsuit against the sellers in the county’s circuit court. According to media reports, the lawsuit alleges the previous owners failed to disclose moisture damage, plumbing issues and mold contamination. The plaintiff now claims the property she purchased is uninhabitable and worthless.
This case highlights the importance of having a comprehensive understanding of the condition of a home before a homebuyer makes a purchase offer. This is especially true for first-time homebuyers who are new to this process, but all homebuyers are strongly encouraged to evaluate a property’s indoor environmental quality (IEQ). This is important for not only the health and well-being of their families, but also because purchasing a home is the largest investment most people make in their lives.
“Whether a homebuyer is looking at old homes, remodeled homes or even brand new properties, IEQ and indoor air quality (IAQ) problems could be an issue,” said Joseph Frasca, Senior Vice President of Marketing at EMSL Analytical, Inc. “Elevated levels of chemical, microbial and even radioactive pollutants may be present. Mold, radon, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide, asbestos, lead-based paints, allergens, clandestine drug laboratory residues, sewage contamination and other issues can all be significant health and safety concerns. If present, these could also impact the value of a property. At EMSL, we offer analytical services, all of the sampling supplies necessary, and even easy-to-use test kits to test for these contaminants and indoor pollutants. These services and kits are available to homebuyers, real estate professionals, landlords, home inspectors, property managers, and environmental, health and safety professionals.”
EMSL has also sponsored an educational video with IAQ and IEQ information for homebuyers that can be seen at:
To learn more about indoor air quality or other environmental, health and safety testing services, please visit, call (800)220-3675 or email To access IEQ test kits, visit
About EMSL Analytical, Inc.
EMSL Analytical, Inc. is one of the leading testing laboratories with 40 locations throughout the United States and Canada. EMSL is a nationally recognized and locally focused provider specializing in fast laboratory results for mold, bacteria,
Legionella, USP <797>, pathogens, asbestos, lead, soot, char & ash from fires, VOC’s, odors, radon, formaldehyde, indoor air quality, microbiology, environmental, industrial hygiene, radiological, food, beverage & consumer products and material testing services for the identification of unknown substances. EMSL services both professionals and the general public. EMSL maintains an extensive list of accreditations from leading organizations as well as state and federal regulating bodies including, but not limited to A2LA, AIHA LAP, LLC. (AIHA EMLAP, AIHA IHLAP, AIHA ELLAP), NVLAP, CDC ELITE, CPSC, CA ELAP, NY ELAP, TX DOH, NJDEP and multiple other state accrediting agencies. Please visit our website at for a complete listing of accreditations. In addition, EMSL carries a wide range of Sampling Equipment and Investigative Products for environmental professionals.