Calgary, AB, August 22
nd , 2019
Parts of an indoor aquatic center in Alberta, Canada were temporarily closed recently according to multiple media outlets. Articles published about the closure stated that the city owned facility took the action to protect the health and safety of staff and visitors due to indoor air quality (IAQ) issues.
Maintaining healthy IAQ at aquatic centers can be a challenge due to the moist environment that is conducive for microbial growth and the use of chemicals to keep the water clean. One frequent chemical culprit in these types of facilities is the presence of chloramines. Chloramines are formed by the reaction of free chlorine with organic substances. Its presence can cause complaints about stinging eyes, nasal irritation or difficulty breathing from people after being in the water or breathing the air near a swimming pool.
High humidity levels in aquatic centers can also lead to the growth of mold. Even the air handling systems in these facilities, if constantly exposed to moist air, could become a breeding ground for mold. Mold is a known allergen, irritant and asthma trigger for many people.
Pools and hot tubs can also be a breeding ground for
Legionella bacteria. The bacteria, typically found in water, can cause infections if a person breathes contaminated water droplets or mists. Avoiding any exposure to
Legionella is important as infections can cause serious illnesses and even death in some circumstances in people with a weakened or suppressed immune system.
“Standing water, wet surfaces, humid air, mold, bacteria and the use of algaecides and disinfecting chemicals can make controlling the air quality at indoor pools and aquatic facilities a real challenge,” said Joe Frasca, Senior Vice President, Marketing at EMSL Analytical, Inc. “To help ensure the indoor environmental quality at these types of facilities, EMSL offers a comprehensive range of water and air quality testing services for both chemical and microbial concerns. EMSL also provides all the sampling supplies necessary and has 46 testing facilities throughout Canada and the United States.”
To learn more about air and water testing or other environmental, health and safety services, please visit, call (800)220-3675 or email
About EMSL Canada, Inc.
EMSL Canada is an internationally recognized provider of environmental, indoor air quality and materials testing services and products to professionals and the general public. The company has an extensive list of accreditations from leading organizations as well as state and federal regulating bodies.