Cinnaminson, NJ, February 19
th , 2020
Ototoxicants are chemicals that may cause hearing loss or balance problems, regardless of noise exposure. However, the potential for hearing loss can increase when workers are exposed to these chemicals while also working around elevated noise levels.
In the December issue of the
The Synergist, an article about ototoxicants examined the challenge faced by occupational health professionals when it comes to worker exposures. The piece discusses various metals and solvents that alone, or in combination, could result in hearing loss and the need for more research.
To address the issue of ototoxicity, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) published an advisory bulletin on the topic back in 2018.
Preventing Hearing Loss Caused by Chemical (Ototoxicity) and Noise Exposure offers information about exposure risks to various substances, including certain pesticides, solvents and pharmaceuticals that contain ototoxicants.
“Occupational exposure to ototoxicants may occur in many industries through inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption,” said Joe Frasca, Senior Vice President, Marketing at EMSL Analytical, Inc. “These ototoxic chemicals are numerous and include everything from styrene and toluene to carbon monoxide, lead, mercury compounds and many others substances. Potential health effects caused by contact vary based on exposure frequency, intensity, duration, workplace exposure to other hazards and individual factors such as age. Depending on the circumstances, hearing loss may be temporary or permanent.”
The industrial hygiene and environmental scientists at EMSL Analytical, Inc. are working to identify occupational exposure risks to known ototoxicants. With dozens of facilities across North America, EMSL provides laboratory testing services and sampling supplies for a wide range of ototoxic chemicals. EMSL also carries a full line of personal protective equipment (PPE) to help protect against inhalation and skin absorption hazards. They have even sponsored an educational video about ototoxicity and ear protection that can be seen at:
To learn more about this or other occupational, environmental, indoor air quality, health and safety testing services or for access to personal protective equipment, please visit, call (800) 220-3675 or email
About EMSL Analytical, Inc.
EMSL Analytical is one of the leading testing laboratories with 46 locations throughout the United States and Canada. EMSL is a nationally recognized and locally focused provider specializing in fast laboratory results for mold, bacteria,
Legionella, USP <797>, pathogens, asbestos, lead, soot, char & ash from fires, VOC’s, odors, radon, formaldehyde, indoor air quality, microbiology, environmental, industrial hygiene, radiological, food, beverage & consumer products and material testing services for the identification of unknown substances. EMSL services both professionals and the general public. EMSL maintains an extensive list of accreditations from leading organizations as well as state and federal regulating bodies including, but not limited to A2LA, AIHA-LAP, LLC (AIHA-LAP, LLC EMLAP, AIHA-LAP, LLC IHLAP, AIHA-LAP, LLC ELLAP), NVLAP, CDC ELITE, CPSC, CA ELAP, NY ELAP, TX DOH, NJDEP and multiple other state accrediting agencies. Please visit our website at for a complete listing of accreditations. In addition, EMSL carries a wide range of Sampling Equipment and Investigative Products for environmental professionals.