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Sample Collection Recommendations
  • Collect raw wastewater that has not been chemically treated.
  • Refer to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (Section 9060) for suggestions on wastewater sampling procedures.
  • Plan to collect samples that are representative of the water being tested.
  • Take precautions to avoid contaminating samples. Wear clean disposable gloves when collecting samples and avoid touching the bottle mouth with hands or surfaces.
  • Samples should be shipped on same day as collected.

Sample Collection and Shipping Instructions
Wearing appropriate personnel protective equipment (PPE):
  1. Keep the sample bottle completely closed until just before collecting the sample. Remove the bottle cap and do not set it down on any surface. Be careful to avoid external contamination during sample collection and do not contaminate the inner surface of the bottle cap and bottle neck.
  2. This test requires 100ml of raw wastewater that has not been chemically treated, per sample. When collecting samples, fill the sterile bottle just beyond the 100ml fill line to the bottle neck, while leaving some air space in the bottle. Replace cap immediately and secure cap.
  3. Wipe the outside of the bottle with an alcohol wipe and label the outside of the bottle with unique sample identifiers that will match the Chain-Of-Custody (COC) to be submitted.
  4. Place the bottle back inside of the bubble-wrapped bag that the sample arrived in from the laboratory and seal tightly. As an alternative, double-bag the bottle in sealed, zip-baggies.
  5. Wipe down the bubble-wrapped bag with an alcohol wipe.
  6. Fill out the EMSL SARS-CoV-2 Chain of Custody form, and place in a separate zip-bag, and seal.
  7. Pack samples well so they are not damaged during shipping. Samples must be wrapped with and shipped with an ice-pack. Bubble wrap is commonly utilized inside of a padded cooler. Ship samples using the provided insulated shipping container.
  8. Write on the outside of the shipping container so that it is clear/readable: TEST CODE M330 - PCR LAB ONLY
  9. Samples should be shipped on same day as collected. If unable to ship on the same day as collected, keep samples cold but unfrozen (<8°C) during transportation of the sample to the laboratory for processing. Wastewater samples can be stored at 2–8°C for up to 72 hours after collection.
  10. Samples must be shipped using ‘Priority’ overnight delivery. 
  11. All SARS-CoV-2 samples must be shipped to the following address. (NOTE: Samples can ONLY be received. Monday through Friday).
EMSL Analytical, Inc.
200 Route 130 North
Cinnaminson, NJ, 08077
12. Any samples arriving improperly shipped, damaged, or leaking will be rejected, not processed and discarded.
Atlanta, GA (LAB 07) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-1Baton Rouge, LA (LAB 25) - NVLAP Lab Code 200375-0Beltsville, MD (LAB 19) - NVLAP Lab Code 200293-0Boston, MA (LAB 13) - NVLAP Lab Code 101147-0Buffalo, NY (LAB 14) - NVLAP Lab Code 200056-0Carle Place, NY (LAB 06) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-10Charlotte, NC (LAB 41) - NVLAP Lab Code 200841-0Chicago, IL (LAB 26) - NVLAP Lab Code 200399-0Cinnaminson, NJ (LAB List in Description) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-0Dallas, TX (LAB 11) - NVLAP Lab Code 600111-0Denver, CO (LAB 22) - NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0EMSL Canada - Calgary, AB (LAB 65) - NVLAP Lab Code 500100-0EMSL Canada - Edmonton, AB (LAB 50) - NVLAP Lab Code 600321-0EMSL Canada - Markham, ON (LAB 66) - NVLAP Lab Code 600317-0EMSL Canada - Montreal, QC (LAB 68) - NVLAP Lab Code 201052-0EMSL Canada - Ottawa, ON (LAB 67) - NVLAP Lab Code 201040-0EMSL Canada - Toronto, ON (LAB 55) - NVLAP Lab Code 200877-0EMSL Canada - Vancouver, BC (LAB 69) - NVLAP Lab Code 201068-0Fort Lauderdale, FL (LAB 56) - NVLAP Lab Code 500085-0Houston, TX (LAB 15) - NVLAP Lab Code 102106-0Huntington Beach, CA (LAB 33) - NVLAP Lab Code 101384-0Indianapolis, IN (LAB 16) - NVLAP Lab Code 200188-0Kernersville, NC (LAB 02) - NVLAP Lab Code 102104-0Long Island City, NY (LAB 03) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-9Meriden, CT (LAB 24) - NVLAP Lab Code 200700-0Miami, FL (LAB 17) - NVLAP Lab Code 200204-0Minneapolis, MN (LAB 35) - NVLAP Lab Code 200019-0Ontario, California (San Bernadino County / Inland Empire) (LAB 71) - NVLAP Lab Code 600239-0Orlando, FL (LAB 34) - NVLAP Lab Code 101151-0Phoenix, AZ (LAB 12) - NVLAP Lab Code 200811-0Piscataway, NJ (LAB 05) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-2Plymouth Meeting, PA (LAB 18) - NVLAP Lab Code 200699-0Raleigh, NC (LAB 29) - NVLAP Lab Code 200671-0Rochester, NY (LAB 53) - NVLAP Lab Code 600183-0San Diego, CA (LAB 43) - NVLAP Lab Code 200855-0San Leandro, CA (LAB 09) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-3Santa Clara, CA (LAB 47) - NVLAP Lab Code 600318-0Seattle, WA (LAB 51) - NVLAP Lab Code 200613-0South Pasadena, CA (LAB 32) - NVLAP Lab Code 200232-0South Portland, ME (LAB 62) - NVLAP Lab Code 500094-0St. Louis, MO (LAB 39) - NVLAP Lab Code 200742-0Tampa, FL (LAB 93) - NVLAP Lab Code 600215-0
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