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DNA Testing - Bacteria, Mold, Protozoa, Viruses ID

Environmental, food, and research professionals turn to EMSL Analytical, Inc. for molecular testing. Let EMSL help you Identify your unknown by calling us toll free at 1-800-220-3675!

DNA Testing Laboratory Services
  • Pathogen Detection & Identification in Environmental and Food Specimens
  • Fungal Identification
  • Bacterial Identification
  • Protozoa Identification
  • Viral Identification
  • Fecal Pollution Identification and Source Tracking
  • Species & Strain Identification (Cultured / Uncultured Organisms)
  • Unknown Biological Material Identifications

Case Study:

DNA Detection and Identification: Rodent, Bird, Bat, and Raccoon Droppings
In recent years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have observed an increasing number of human illness cases that are directly related to animal dropping contact. Searching for rodent droppings during a facility inspection is an effective approach for confirming animal infestation and for safeguarding the health of your clients.

Rodents (mouse and rat) have been responsible for outbreaks of plague, Leptospirosis, and several fevers. Rodent pathogens include Hantavirus, Lassa virus, Leptospirosis bacteria, and rat-bite bacteria. Rodents can also carry parasites that transmit Lyme disease, babesiosis, and anaplasmosis to humans. If suspect rodent droppings are discovered, simply place a few droppings within a zip lock-style bag and submit them to EMSL for the Rodent Dropping DNA Test. This DNA test is very sensitive and it allows EMSL to analyze suspect fecal samples for both mouse and rat-specific DNA elements. Surface swabs or surface dust can also be submitted for analysis.

Bird and bat droppings are reservoirs for opportunistic fungi than can cause two important human diseases: histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis. Histoplasmosis is caused by the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. Histoplasma lives in the environment, usually in association with large quantities of bird or bat droppings. Lung infection can occur after a person inhales airborne spores during construction, excavation, or demolition.

Cryptococcosis is an infection caused by fungi that belong to the genus Cryptococcus. While there are over 30 different species of Cryptococcus, one species of primary concern is Cryptococcus neoformans. Inhalation of C. neoformans spores can result in lung infection that could spread to other parts of the body and cause serious illness. Cryptococcus is found within soil throughout the world, usually in association with the presence of bird droppings, especially pigeon droppings. It is commonly found within debris from pigeon roosts and soil contaminated with decaying pigeon or chicken droppings. If suspect bird or bat droppings are discovered, simply place a few droppings within a zip lock-style bag and submit them to EMSL for DNA analysis. Surface swabs or air samples can also be submitted for analysis.

In addition to rodents, birds, and bats, raccoons can harbor human pathogens as well. Raccoons can carry intestinal parasites such as Baylisascaris procyonis roundworms. Baylisascaris-infected raccoons have been found within the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and West Coast regions of the United States. Raccoons defecate in communal sites, called latrines. Human exposure to raccoon droppings can occur at latrine sites - attics, garages, decks, patios, and roofs. Human Baylisascaris infection is caused by accidental ingestion of infectious eggs. Anyone who is exposed to environments where raccoons frequent is potentially at risk. Young children or developmentally disabled persons are at highest risk of infection as they may be more likely to put contaminated fingers, soil, or objects into their mouths. If suspect raccoon droppings are discovered, simply place a few droppings within a zip lock-style bag and submit them to EMSL for DNA analysis. Surface swabs and soil can also be submitted for analysis.

The winter season has begun. Rodents, birds, bats, and raccoons are looking for a warm place to call home. Inspect your clients' facilities for signs of rodent, bird, bat or raccoon droppings. If suspect fecal material is discovered, submit samples for laboratory testing. If required, take the appropriate steps to perform a proper remediation or contact a pest removal specialist. Please visit the CDC website for additional information about these human pathogens.

EMSL Analytical, Inc. offers these supporting laboratory analyses:

  • Rodent Droppings: DNA Test by PCR, present/absent, M271, report in 3 business days.
  • Bird and Bat Dropping Pathogens: Histoplasma capsulatum DNA Test by PCR, present/absent, M208, report in 3 business days, or Cryptococcus neoformans DNA Test by PCR, present/absent, M143, report in 3 business days.
  • Raccoon Roundworm: (Baylisascaris procyonis) DNA Test by PCR, present/absent, M236, report in 3 business days.
DNA Lab Services Overview
Using qPCR to Detect Sewage Contamination Overview 

***DNA Testing Chain of Custody - Click Here***

EMSL offers a full range of DNA Testing Services. These applications can be applied to a wide range of industries, for more information please contact us.


Full list of services provided for DNA and PCR Testing Laboratory ( click for details )
DNA and PCR Testing Laboratory - Bacteria   Anaplasma phagocytophilum (M261)
   Borrelia burgdorferi Lyme disease (M196)
   Chlamydophila psittaci (M234)
   Clostridium difficile (M279)
   Detection of Clostridium botulinum Types A, B, E, and F Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
   E. coli 0157:H7 qPCR (M140)
   Helicobacter pylori (M207 / M207PP)
   Identification of Unknown Bacteria and Fungi by DNA Sequencing (M192)
   Leptospira (M262)
   Mycobacterium avium (M144)
   Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M159)
   Salmonella spp (M141)
   Shigella spp. (M287)
DNA and PCR Testing Laboratory - ERMI   EPA's Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI) 36 Panel (M180 / M233)
   Water Damage 10 Panel (M184)
   Water Damage 15 Panel (M182)
   Water Damage 20 Panel (M181)
DNA and PCR Testing Laboratory - Fecal Identification (Human vs. Animal)   Bacteroides sp. (M095)
   Human Bacteroides spp. (M199)
   Rodent Dropping
   Total Enterococcus
DNA and PCR Testing Laboratory - Fungi/Mold   Candida auris (M286)
   Cryptococcus neoformans (M143)
   EPA's Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI) 36 Panel (M180 / M233)
   Histoplasma capsulatum (M208)
   Identification of Unknown Bacteria and Fungi by DNA Sequencing (M192)
   Penicillium, Common Mycotoxin-Producing, 13-Species Panel (M189)
   Penicillium, Common Mycotoxin-Producing, 5-Species Panel (M191)
   Penicillium, Common Mycotoxin-Producing, 9-Species Panel (M190)
DNA and PCR Testing Laboratory - Lyme Disease Tick Identification   Anaplasma phagocytophilum (M261)
   Babesia microti (M260)
   Borrelia burgdorferi Lyme disease (M196)
Other   Acanthamoeba spp. (M147)
  Aromatic Hydrocarbon Biodegradation Markers (M264 / M265 / M266 / M268)
  Aspergillus Common 10 Panel (M187)
  Aspergillus Comprehensive 15 Panel (M186)
  Aspergillus Nosocomial 6 Panel (M188)
  Baylisascaris procyonis (M236)
  Bed Bug (Cimex lectularius) (M146)
  Clostridium botulinum (PCR) (M206)
  COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) by qPCR (M330)
  Dehalococcoides (M273 / M274 / M275 / M276)
  Giardia spp. (M149)
  Human adenovirus qPCR (M331)
  Human astrovirus RT-qPCR (M336)
  Human enterovirus RT-qPCR (335)
  Human norovirus RT-qPCR (M332)
  Human polyomavirus qPCR (M333)
  Human rotavirus RT-qPCR (M334)
  Legionella (M162 / M103 / M104 / M101 / M164)
  Legionella Detection (M210/M211/M212/M213/M214/M215/M162/M103/M104/M102/M101)
  Molecular MST qPCR Tests (M095, M199, M410, M411, M412, M414, M415)
  Mycotoxin Producing Fungi 10 Panel (M284)
  Naegleria fowleri (M197)
Laboratories providing DNA and PCR Testing Laboratory ( click for details )
Atlanta, GA (LAB 07) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-1Baton Rouge, LA (LAB 25) - NVLAP Lab Code 200375-0Beltsville, MD (LAB 19) - NVLAP Lab Code 200293-0Boston, MA (LAB 13) - NVLAP Lab Code 101147-0Buffalo, NY (LAB 14) - NVLAP Lab Code 200056-0Carle Place, NY (LAB 06) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-10Charlotte, NC (LAB 41) - NVLAP Lab Code 200841-0Chicago, IL (LAB 26) - NVLAP Lab Code 200399-0Cinnaminson, NJ (LAB List in Description) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-0Dallas, TX (LAB 11) - NVLAP Lab Code 600111-0Denver, CO (LAB 22) - NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0EMSL Canada - Calgary, AB (LAB 65) - NVLAP Lab Code 500100-0EMSL Canada - Edmonton, AB (LAB 50) - NVLAP Lab Code 600321-0EMSL Canada - Markham, ON (LAB 66) - NVLAP Lab Code 600317-0EMSL Canada - Montreal, QC (LAB 68) - NVLAP Lab Code 201052-0EMSL Canada - Ottawa, ON (LAB 67) - NVLAP Lab Code 201040-0EMSL Canada - Toronto, ON (LAB 55) - NVLAP Lab Code 200877-0EMSL Canada - Vancouver, BC (LAB 69) - NVLAP Lab Code 201068-0Fort Lauderdale, FL (LAB 56) - NVLAP Lab Code 500085-0Houston, TX (LAB 15) - NVLAP Lab Code 102106-0Huntington Beach, CA (LAB 33) - NVLAP Lab Code 101384-0Indianapolis, IN (LAB 16) - NVLAP Lab Code 200188-0Kernersville, NC (LAB 02) - NVLAP Lab Code 102104-0Long Island City, NY (LAB 03) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-9Meriden, CT (LAB 24) - NVLAP Lab Code 200700-0Miami, FL (LAB 17) - NVLAP Lab Code 200204-0Minneapolis, MN (LAB 35) - NVLAP Lab Code 200019-0Ontario, California (San Bernadino County / Inland Empire) (LAB 71) - NVLAP Lab Code 600239-0Orlando, FL (LAB 34) - NVLAP Lab Code 101151-0Phoenix, AZ (LAB 12) - NVLAP Lab Code 200811-0Piscataway, NJ (LAB 05) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-2Plymouth Meeting, PA (LAB 18) - NVLAP Lab Code 200699-0Raleigh, NC (LAB 29) - NVLAP Lab Code 200671-0Rochester, NY (LAB 53) - NVLAP Lab Code 600183-0San Diego, CA (LAB 43) - NVLAP Lab Code 200855-0San Leandro, CA (LAB 09) - NVLAP Lab Code 101048-3Santa Clara, CA (LAB 47) - NVLAP Lab Code 600318-0Seattle, WA (LAB 51) - NVLAP Lab Code 200613-0South Pasadena, CA (LAB 32) - NVLAP Lab Code 200232-0South Portland, ME (LAB 62) - NVLAP Lab Code 500094-0St. Louis, MO (LAB 39) - NVLAP Lab Code 200742-0Tampa, FL (LAB 93) - NVLAP Lab Code 600215-0
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