Combustible Dust Testing:
In response to ongoing industrial / agricultural accidents related to the ignition of combustible dusts, OSHA has issued Directive #: CPL 03-00-008, Subject: Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program. The purpose of this program is to inspect facilities that generate or handle combustible dusts and make recommendations to the inspected parties that will reduce the risk of fire hazard which could result in bodily injury, loss of life and property damage. Combustible dusts are often either organic or metal dusts that are finely ground into very small particles, fibers, fines, chips, chunks, flakes, or a small mixture of these. Types of dusts include, but are not limited to: metal dust, such as aluminum and magnesium; wood dust; plastic dust; biosolids; organic dust, such as sugar, paper, soap, and dried blood; and dusts from certain textiles. Some industries that handle combustible dusts include: agriculture, chemicals, textiles, forest and furniture products, wastewater treatment, metal processing, paper products, pharmaceuticals, and recycling operations (metal, paper, and plastic). Therefore, the directive covers a wide range of materials used in many application areas across almost all the major industrial and agricultural sectors.
1. Initial Analysis/sample characterization
Percent through 40 mesh screen
Percent moisture content
Percent combustible dust
(Wet Sample Weight – Ash Weight)(100)
Percent Combustible Material = Wet Sample Weight
Percent Combustible Dust = (% through 40 mesh)(% Combustible Material)
100 grams sample required
2. Go/No Go testing (ASTM E1226)
500 grams sample required. If testing results is GO, the analysis will be by default upgraded to explosion severity testing (test 3 below).
3. Explosion severity (Kst, Pmax, dP/dTmax, ASTM E1226)
More than 500 grams sample required
4. Minimum explosive concentration (MEC – ASTM E1515)
More than 500 grams sample required
5. Minimum ignition energy (MIE – ASTM E2019)
500 grams sample required
6. Minimum Ignition Temperature (MIT- ASTM E1491
500 grams sample required
7. Resistivity
500 grams sample required
Class II Dust Analysis
(It includes Explosion Severity, MEC, MIE, MIT) = Call for Pricing
1,500 grams sample required
NOTE: All individual stated test prices (per sample) are for 10-15 business days TAT.
Quicker turn-around-time (TAT) Available
5 business days TAT
4 business days TAT
Cost to mill the sample at 40 mesh, if necessary. This charge cannot be waived if the sample needs milling to perform the analysis.
Ship the sample in screw top plastic jars or double bagged 1 gallon plastic bags. Please note: MSDS information for each dust sample tested is required.